Happy Birthday US Army

Happy Birthday US Army with Army logo

Happy Birthday to the United States Army!

Join us today in celebrating the 249th Birthday of the US Army by thanking the men and women who tirelessly defend our country. The United States Army was founded by the Second Continental Congress in 1775, making it the oldest service branch in the US Military.

The Army began as a small militia force to protect the freedom of the original thirteen colonies, but it has since expanded into the world’s most prominent rank of the Military. As the largest branch of the military, the proud men and women of the United States Army continue to make sacrifices to protect our peace and freedom. They are more disciplined – both physically and mentally – more proficient in whatever they do, now than they have ever been. They have been unstoppable since 1775 and continue to serve honorably in times of peace and war.

Today we honor all Soldiers, Veterans, parents, spouses, and children of soldiers who serve in the Army, Army National Guard, or Army Reserve. Zeiders proudly supports the American Soldier who is Always Ready, Always Leading.

Zeiders sends a special greeting on this day to our colleagues who have a personal connection to the Army and are proud of their military heritage and service. Thank you for everything you do!